Fibre Optic Sensing for Railways Association
As the Fibre Optic Sensing for Railways Association, short FOS4R, we create a powerful network, provide a global platform in order to work on specification and standardization and organize jointly development work streams. FOS4R will give a forum to share experience, information and will offer consultation to every partner or interested partner.
The railway market records constant growth due to the need for ecologically viable public and freight transportation that is capable of handling the evermore demand for higher capacities. This trend consequently formulates challenging requirements for the railway sector. Fibre Optic Sensing can be an essential part of this challenging endeavor, by providing applicable and reliable real-time information as well as security. Information about the current condition of rolling stock and infrastructure as well as the location of every train at every time supports predictive maintenance, efficient use of dispositional slack and automated operations.
"Fibre Optic Sensing will change the railway world. FOS4R will accelerate the benefit for every member! "
– Max Schubert, President of FOS4R
Founding Members:
- Max Schubert (DB), President of FOS4R
- Christian Pucher (Frauscher Sensonic), Vice-president
- Andreas Eichhorn (TU Darmstadt), Financial activities
- Bernd Drapp (AP Sensing), Association’s secretary
- Ivan Vidović (TU Graz), Association’s secretary
Further Members:
- Klaus Leithner (ÖBB)
- Patrick Pohl (DB)
- Rene Zeilinger (Frauscher Sensonic)
- Anneliese Fraser